Saturday, January 5, 2013

Ring in the New Year!

As everyone has rung in the new year many resolutions are brought up. Of course the first two weeks of January you see many new faces while working out to many new volunteers at your grandmother's living home. But I am not dedicating my new year's resolution to the usual lose weight, diet, or volunteer more frequently. Rather to fashion! I have started seeing tons of women AND men wearing hats! From the typical bowler hat to hats with large brims. This trend is up and coming and I'd say that as my New Year's resolution I will be venturing out on my fashion style. Yes of course I am pretty open on my style and tend to wear things that most people wouldn't....but I do go to a fashion school people! I have already started my hat collection with 2 bowlers and 2 large brim hats! And let me tell you, I am obsessed with them!! I wear one almost everyday not only because I don't have to fix my hair ;) but because they look cute and edgy with every outfit!

Blue felt bowler hat....I also have in black!
(Via FabSugar)
(Via Allure Fashion)
Hats are HOT HOT HOT this season so I say to your New Year's Resolution: screw it and go buy yourself some cute hats! Until next time...