Saturday, September 1, 2012

#1: Inspiration through Fashion

My childhood was typical like any other with the usual soccer games on Saturdays and watching my favorite Disney movie e.v.e.r.d.a.y. But one thing stood out that most kids didn't get. I played my barbies on weekends in a specialty store called Tootsies. As my mom ran the store I sat and played with my toys and naturally walked around and touched all the "pretty clothes." Growing up in this environment, people would think i would want to run in the opposite direction with my career choices but I beg to differ. Because of the life I grew up in I felt inclined to follow in my mother's footsteps but only this time going to the capital of fashion: New York City. Being up here has opened my eyes to such great opportunities and I am just another lucky girl living my dreams.
Going into my second year in the city that never sleeps, I would say I learned a lot my first year here. From ignoring the boys hollering at you on the street, to never going out alone, and to always taking a cab late at night, New York City can be one hell of a place. But one of the most important things I learned was everyone here also has a dream. To make it big and famous whether that's through fashion, singing, dancing, etc. And one of the best ways to get yourself noticed? Blogging. Being up here has made me realize that blogging is a great way to see all the new fashion trends or that good cookie recipe you've been looking for.
Now as much as I would like to tell you my whole life story, I'd rather just stick to fashion here! Therefore, let me tell you about some of my favorite blogs I just recently started following. As almost everyone knows, The Sartorialist is the creme of the crop! Scott Schuman was a genius to come up with the idea of taking pictures of everyday people to show off the world's fashion. It is so fascinating  to see other people's styles and how I can incorporate it into my own. If you haven't already started following his blog, I highly recommend it!
Secondly, is definitely one of my go-to blogs. It covers the ins and outs of everything fashion. From who is best dressed at the Oscars to fashion career offerings, this fashion blog knows about everything and anyone!
Lastly, I LOVE Tory Burch's blog. Now although I'm obsessed with anything Tory Burch, I feel like I can really connect with her through her writing. From style to culture to music, Tory Burch lives a pretty fascinating life!
All three of these blogs are great inspiration to fashion and anything in general! So if I were you I'd get off my blog now and look up my favorite blogs! ;) Until next time..